Fight for our Natural Rights | Aryavarta Insider

Aryavarta Insider 
Lately, we are seeing that the corona devil is rapidly growing unexpectedly. Nobody left behind being affected by this. But why it became a Pandemic while the recovery rate from this corona is 94%. I want to ask everyone about our natural rights. They are limiting the oxygen we can breathe in by making masks mandatory and limiting other natural resources for us in the middle of Covid-19. 

Officially there is no law to catch and file a complaint against any individual who is outside his place until the magistrate came and declare him a public threat. There is no sign of Covid-19 spread by going outside without a mask. If it is, people can misbehave with the hospital workers and retailers in their self-defense. It's just a game of stimulation. People are panicking and falling Ill of changing weather but they prior dying silently as they got exposed to the cruelty of hospitals.

Recently I got exposed to ongoing protests against Covid-19 globally but media is highlighting the panic death rates only. Truth is still blurred. While this is also a reality that we are living in the middle of various viruses but our focus is not there and they are inactive. Remember, where focus goes energy flows and all the print and tv media are just trying to complete the programming of your mind to accomplish their black purposes. Covid-19 is a pre-planned it's being proofed by the Cruelty of hospitals, essential workers, and statements of the bill gates and other world economic forum leaders. The proof of this statement can be seen in Mumbai lately. Where people are being murdered by some unsocial individuals to achieve some kind of their cruel visions while doctors and policemen, being called Corona Warriors are also acting like a devil in front of the family members of the dead. Many organs of the dead are missing yet. 

Our Natural rights have been taken by Them. There is no evidence to prove that SARS-CoV-2 is a new virus. Covid-19 is just like normal Flu in terms of Case Fatality Rate (CFR) and the rate of transmission (RO) and not a life-threatening disease for children or adults or even elderly people. Apart from this all, Wearing a mask cannot protect you from an upper respiratory tract infection (URTI); however, it can make you very sick. There is no evidence to prove that social distancing and lockdown can prevent an epidemic; however, there is evidence to prove the opposite. Last, there is no evidence of Pandemic /Epidemic due to SARS-CoV-2 or any other virus. People are wearing masks to overcome the Cruelness by police officers, not to prevention from imaginary Covid-19. Overall Covid-19 is nothing but a Scam.  Enough is Enough.

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